Transforming Lives With Scholarship Programs thanks generous donation from Jama Ibrahim, who is a co-founding member at Ibrahim & Rao LLP in Atlanta, GA
Read MorePupils walk tens of kilometres to and from school every day.
A simple walk to school and home can become gruelling without the protection of shoes.
Read More#GivingTuesday The intention and purpose of the day were to inspire people and companies to take action. Every year, on the Tuesday after the US Thanksgiving, people around the world take the time to kick off the holiday season by giving back to their community. Whether it is donating money to a charitable cause or volunteering, #GivingTuesday is a day set to benefit the community in an extraordinary way.
Read More“I am a product of this community,” she said while watching the kids settle into their seats.
“Teaching is a very humbling profession, but even more so if you are serving the community from which you came from. You’re able to give back to the community.”
Read MoreIt's an exciting time for parents, but a potentially daunting one for kids, who are about to use muscles not flexed in months.
New school, new faces, new teachers, new subjects of learning — it can be a lot for anyone, especially kids.
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