Jan Tarble

Remembering Jan Tarble and Her Commitment to East Africa

It is with deep sorrow that the Give to Learn to Grow Foundation remembers the passing of Jan Tarble, a cherished friend and longtime neighbor to our visionary, Hodan Nalayeh. Jan, who recently passed away at the age of 95, was a pillar of our community for over 20 years and a fervent advocate for the advancement of East Africa.

Jan's captivation with the migration of birds in East Africa was more than a passion—it was a connection that deepened during her extensive time spent in the region. Her dedication to studying these natural phenomena paralleled her commitment to aiding human migrations and resettlement efforts. This shared passion forged a strong bond between Jan and Hodan, sparking significant collaborative endeavors. Together, for over 20 years, they worked tirelessly to support nomadic communities during times of drought and crisis, providing not just immediate relief but fostering long-term stability.

At Give to Learn to Grow Foundation, Jan's philanthropic efforts were instrumental in setting up essential educational and infrastructural frameworks, such as schools, libraries, drought relief projects, and water wells, aimed at elevating families from poverty. Her commitment to these initiatives has left an indelible mark on the region, ensuring that her legacy of kindness and dedication will endure.

As we commemorate Jan's birthday on June 3, we reflect on her extraordinary life and the profound impact she had on our mission. Her unwavering commitment to improve lives and stabilize communities in East Africa continues to inspire and guide us. Jan's legacy serves as a guiding light, urging us to persist in our efforts to make education and stability accessible to everyone.

Jan Tarble's impact is a lasting one, motivating others to join in uplifting those in need. Her spirit, generosity, and vision for a better world will forever resonate within our foundation and beyond.