Opening of Middle School

Last week, the brand-new A.S.N middle school building opened its doors for a special ribbon-cutting & grand opening celebration where hundreds of community members, parents and faculty members came out to be part of this historic occasion.

As the region is currently heavily affected by food insecurity due to the compounding impacts of extended drought, flooding, the economic effects of COVID-19 and conflict.

Give To Learn to Grow believes education is a critical component of any emergency response. Schools can provide a place for children to come to learn, as well as access health care and other vital services. Providing learning opportunities in safe environments is critical to a child’s survival and development and for the longer-term stability and growth of the region.

For children who have only known war and conflict in their lifetime, a good quality education offers the youth hope for a better future.

Through education, the reason behind the opening of the middle school, they will lead more productive lives and get meaningful employment. They will also be able to change the direction of their lives by simply gaining the skills to contribute positively to their communities.

A big thank you to our donors, who continue to support excellence in education. The construction and operations teams were all indispensable to the successful completion of this massive undertaking.

Barwako Nalayeh