Safe clean water to thousands in Honour of Hodan Nalayeh!

In honour of the late Hodan Nalayeh, Pious Projects of America raised enough money to build SIX water wells in the Sool & Saagan, East Africa region. They reached out to us as they were aware Hodan Nalayeh was one of our biggest advocates.


One of GTLTG’s earliest supporters was Hodan, she helped us accomplish incredible feats and raised money in order for the foundation To Give back to the community of East Africa.

Her dedication, her commitment to help the less fortunate with joyful perseverance inspired us to continue in ways we couldn’t have imagined.


 Every day in rural communities throughout East Africa, millions of people suffer from a lack of access to clean and safe water.

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 It's hard to believe that more often than not, the clean water a developing community desperately needs is right underneath them

working together with GTLTG team on the ground, Pious Projects of America managed to survey, drill and have now finally completed the six water wells, that is now providing clean safe water to hundreds of thousands people in the East African region.

We thank you, we appreciate you!

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